Tuesday, February 17, 2009



When I don’t feel like talking
I want to cry out all my feelings
Cause there is no one to share with
So I just calm myself and breathe
Thinking I have exhaled all the bad
But the truth is that I still have it inside
If not full but a bit at least a part of it
Which troubles me pinches me, drives me mad
I am unable to understand the hell will I do of that
I want to shout it out aloud
So I could explain the crowd
That I have done nothing wrong
And if I have then point out
They should understand the way I feel
I am nothing more but just a teen
But then a voice I relish the most
That voice of my heart tells me be bold
It’s your life
You have to know and believe it also
Where you are the actor
Your heart director
And if you talk of people around
They are just the co-actors
So rule over it and live it your way
Cause in the end it’s the good in you, which is going to stay…………

(a poem received from one of my little friends from LTL workshop)
This shows the creativity in them ,which when nurtured and encouraged can make the world a better place to live.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
