Sunday, November 29, 2009

Decide for your Life

IInd post on the book " Light the Lamp Within- 99 ways to build and live a beautiful, fulfilling and successful life", is placed below-



So True! This statement has been lived by all the successful men, who decided their goal of life and achieved in their lifetime. Mahatama Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, , Lata Mangeshkar, Mother Teresa, Sania Mirza decided for themselves and touched the sky in their lifetime only. When they took the initiative, many might not have imagined or believed that they will be able to achieve, what they were thinking and was achievable. Yet they did it. Most of them had a modest background and their families did not have a great past to set an example, yet each one of them succeeded and built a future, envisioned by them.

Each one of us can also decide an area of life for our future and seek excellence in the field chosen .We can not only create a name for ourselves but also for our families, friends, institutions and neighbourhood too. One has to envision a future and then create it to give his/her life a purpose to justify our existence on this earth.

It is my life and I can take it, where I wish to.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

new book-1

Ist post onThe book " Light the Lamp Within- 99 ways to build and live a beautiful, fulfilling and successful life", is placed below-

Light the Lamp Within

Lighting the lamp within means, attaining our potential. Potential as given in Chamber’s Dictionary means possibility of successful development. All of us have this possibility. However, we have to be exploring and finding it within ourselves. We all have capabilities, many of which ,we are aware of but there are many more, we are not aware of. Knowing these and developing these creates a lot of positive energy and enlightens us to work for and achieve all what we can in our life. This is what defines the message “Light the Lamp Within”.
The very purpose of life is attaining our maximum potential. For this, the very first thing we have to do is to “Know Self”. Knowing self means knowing my strengths, my areas of improvement, my competencies and constantly exploring and testing myself in new areas to become aware of our capabilities not yet known to me.

After this, I have to decide, where I wish to take my life; which means deciding my goals and direction of life. I keep asking in my workshops the question “ Whether you will go ,where life takes you ,or you will take your life, where you wish to take it.” The adults take time to respond but youth & children immediately say “Will take it, where I wish to take it.” Working with them makes me happy and look for hope and future, which they have in abundance. Contrary to it adults mostly have past and regrets and they often talk about these. However, giving a direction to life and setting goals will mean taking ownership of life, ownership of myself , responsibility of my actions and subsequently for the results of these actions instead of placing onus on luck, circumstances or others.
The final step is living the journey of life and taking it with passion, energy and enthusiasm and utilizing every moment, every ounce of energy and investing these happily in pursuit of my life’s goals.

pursuit of fulfillment

Have been rather happily engaged with a project near Mumbai on transformation of work culture since July'09.Have been travelling intensively and had many happy experiences.A lot of water has flown and have to catch up to summarize and post on blog all these.

Meanwhile,while travelling from Mumbai to Allahabad by train,my new book is conceived. The title is " Light the Lamp Within-99 ways to build and live a beautiful,fulfilling and successful Life".My workshops with children are titled as"Light the Lamp Within"and so am writing the book mainly keeping my friends, both youth and children, who might find some value in it.

As suggested by my son Rohit,who was excited by the idea and motivated me to go ahead,every chapter will be one pager and will appear on my blog having frequency of one per week.This is being done to seek suggestions, comments and value addition by viewers of this blog.Will positively appreciate such contribution and will also acknowledge the same in the book.

The inspiration of book is drawn from a friend ,who has been instrumental in persuading and motivating me to this journey with young friends and will be value added to by a senior educationist.
But, I look forward a lot to my young and teenager friends,who have been at my workshops for making the book meaningful by their value addition and sharing of experiences.Am sure they will make me happy.