Wednesday, November 25, 2009

pursuit of fulfillment

Have been rather happily engaged with a project near Mumbai on transformation of work culture since July'09.Have been travelling intensively and had many happy experiences.A lot of water has flown and have to catch up to summarize and post on blog all these.

Meanwhile,while travelling from Mumbai to Allahabad by train,my new book is conceived. The title is " Light the Lamp Within-99 ways to build and live a beautiful,fulfilling and successful Life".My workshops with children are titled as"Light the Lamp Within"and so am writing the book mainly keeping my friends, both youth and children, who might find some value in it.

As suggested by my son Rohit,who was excited by the idea and motivated me to go ahead,every chapter will be one pager and will appear on my blog having frequency of one per week.This is being done to seek suggestions, comments and value addition by viewers of this blog.Will positively appreciate such contribution and will also acknowledge the same in the book.

The inspiration of book is drawn from a friend ,who has been instrumental in persuading and motivating me to this journey with young friends and will be value added to by a senior educationist.
But, I look forward a lot to my young and teenager friends,who have been at my workshops for making the book meaningful by their value addition and sharing of experiences.Am sure they will make me happy.

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