Wednesday, June 30, 2010


We all want success. Success comes from growth and development and growth and development is achieved by learning. Learning can be only in three areas: knowledge, skill & attitude. We have to keep on learning more and doing more and better in this life so that we are not stagnant. Just as stagnant water gathers moss, we as human beings also become inactive and inert, when we are not learning. Whatever we might have learnt and did could be good but is not enough. We have to keep on learning more and doing more and better to justify our continued existence on this earth.

The process of learning more and doing more and better is called value addition. Value addition makes us valuable. We play many roles in life .We are brothers or sisters, we are sons or daughters, we are parents, we are neighbors, we are citizens of our country, we are associates, colleagues or bosses at work and above all we are human beings. The purpose of life is to have a life with purpose and our purpose is to be effective in all the roles of life. How valuable we are in each role is not decided by us but is dependent on the perception about me by the person with whom we are playing that role e.g. how good a son or daughter we are will be better known by what our parents feel about us. Thus how much valuable we are can not be decided by us and is not in our control. So what is in our control? Value addition i.e. learning more and doing more and better is entirely in my control. We will find our life short if we put in all our time and energy on making value addition to self.

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